
Local Government

North Strabane votes to retain park space

A vote by the North Strabane Township Board of Supervisors Tuesday to keep a park space along Demar Boulevard in Canonsburg was met by applause from the more than 15 residents who turned out to witness the parkette’s fate.At last week’s non-legislative meeting, several residents voiced ...

Greene County commissioners recently said funding for 25 different local businesses has been approved through two separate initiatives geared to assist businesses impacted by COVID-19.Commissioner Mike Belding said Monday the businesses applied earlier this year for the Forgivable Advance for ...

Students in Canon-McMillan School District will move to remote learning starting Tuesday, as COVID-19 cases in the district and in Washington County continue to rise.A letter sent to parents and staff by the school district said the district shifted to the remote learning model because of ...

Monessen shooting victim expected to survive

MONESSEN – A woman who was the victim of a drive-by shooting Tuesday night in Monessen did not suffer life-threatening injuries, city police said.The woman, whose identity was withheld, was shot about 9:15 p.m. in the 600 block of Summit Avenue and flown to Allegheny General Hospital, ...

Drawn-out vote count is nothing new

Polls are open today across Pennsylvania from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and much has been made of the 2.4 million mail-in ballots that had been returned as of Monday morning.During the novel coronavirus pandemic, the word “unprecedented” is often used.But the same could be said of 20 years ago, ...

Washington County Commission Chairman Diana Irey Vaughan said Monday that she has twice tested negative for the novel coronavirus, but because she is exhibiting some symptoms, she is quarantining.Acting on medical advice, she has chosen to limit her Election Day and election night in-person ...