Greene County property transfers

The following property transfers have been recorded in the Greene County Recorder of Deeds office.
Aleppo Township
Marshall Glen Blake to EQT Production Company, 11.357869 Acres, O&G, $646.62 (12-26- 24)
Mary K. Brinkman, et ux., to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, et ux., Tract, Coal, $400.00
James Larry Headley, et ux., to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, Tract, Coal, $2,000.00 (12-
Marlene L. Moses to Mark Moses Electrical Services, Inc, Tracts, $145,000.00 (12-30-24)
Hannah L. Keller to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, et ux., Tract, Coal, $400.00 (12-30-24)
Jeffery L. Keller, et ux., to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, et ux., Tract, Coal, $400.00 (12-
Rebecca Herron, et ux., to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, et ux., Tract, Coal, $2,000.00
James D. Keller, et ux., to Consol Pennsylvania Coal Co LLC, Tract, Coal, $2,000.00 (12-30-
Brett E. Madden, et ux., to Jack E. Cain, et ux., 1.1110 Acres, $26,771.75 (1-7-25)
Carmichaels Borough
DCCC LLC to Michael Lewis, et ux., Lots 34, 35,36 Myers Plan, $20,000.00 (12-26-24)
Center Township
Thomas M. Reed to EQT Production Company, 207.8026 Acres, O&G, $3,710.76 (12-26-24)
Cumberland Township
Cheryl L. Donaldson to Jeremy Mayfield, 2 Tracts, $30,000.00 (12-26-24)
David E. Myers, et ux., to Haley E. McDonald, .361 Acre, $169,900.00 (12-26-24)
Equity Point Real Estate LLC t Autumn N. Carl, et ux., 2 Lots, $155,000.00 (12-31-24)
Dunkard Township
Kristina L. Scott to Caleb L. Delansky, Lot, Bobtown, $1,000.00 (1-2-25)
Franklin Township
Sylvia Sue Hoffman to EQT Production Company, 12.835 Acres, O&G, $650.00 (12-26-24)
Silas S. Stavischeck to EQT Production Company, 12.835 Acres, O&G, $650.00 (12-26-24)
Alexis A. Mortiz a/k/a Alexis A. Harris a/k/a David A. Harris to Susan M. Callenberg, Lot 19, Colonial Place Plan, $320,000.00 (12-31-24)
Gilmore Township
Alberta Hancher to EQT Production Company, 195.5 Acres, O&G, $7,168.34 (12-26-24)
Cody Knotts to Divot Acquisitions LLC, et ux., 41 Acres, O&G, $1,000.00 (12-30-24)
Jefferson Township
Cindy L. Teagarden to James Michael Baker, Lot 34, Braden Farm Plan, $42,000.00 (1-7-25) Perry Township
Esther I. Brock, et ux., to EQT Production Company, 4 Acres, O&G, $12,108.00 (12-26-24)
Kevin A. Puskarich, et ux., to DUC Hunter LLC, 30 Acres, O&G, $63,750.00 (1-6-25)
Springhill Township
Geraldine Dixon Speer to EQT Production Company, 27.141 Acres, O&G, $16,963.13 (12-26- 24)
Wayne Township
William R. Erhard to EQT Production Company, 80.08 Acres, O&G, $100,613.06 (12-26-24)
Stacey Brooks a/k/a Stacey Brooks Eddy to EQT Production Company, 173.8115 Acres, O&G, $3,799.23 (12-26-24)
Waynesburg Borough
John E. Frownfelter, et ux., to Eleven 11 Property Management LLC, Lot, $320,000.00 (12-30- 24)
Stanwich Mortgage Loan Trust, et ux., to Shaun Wilson, et ux., Lot, Illig Addition, $22,500.00 (12-30-24)
JDSB LLC to Nick Fedzen, Lot, $75,000.00 (12-31-24)
James W. Depriest, II, et ux., to Taylor Morris, et ux., Lot, $215,000.00 (12-31-24)
Jason E. Withrow, et ux., to John E. Frownfelter, III, et ux., Lot, $140,000.00 (12-31-24)
Whiteley Township
Judith A. Riehl to EQT Production Company, 55.2458 Acres, O&G, $303.09 (12-26-24)