
From the Canonsburg Senior Citizen Center

4 min read

Editor’s note: The following is a letter from Walter Conrad, Canonsburg Senior Citizen Center president, lightly edited for grammar and length. The Canonsburg Senior Center is still offering grab and go lunches from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for anyone over 60, with a suggested donation of $2. The center is still closed for all other activities.

Hello, Senior Center family and friends,

Have you been feeling victimized? Are you feeling angry about the pandemic? Are you one of those that point the finger at people or situations that you believe are to blame?

It takes a lot of willpower not to be afraid of not knowing what the future holds. But equally important is not to focus our energies on anger of what has happened or our present situations of the virus, or more recently, the demonstrations that have turned into riots.

All of the world’s medical professionals are working on the coronavirus. Law enforcement and government employees are working hard to resolve issues about police procedures. Personally, as I know there isn’t anything I can do, leaving things to God, and the knowledge of the people that are in charge seems to be the only thing I can do. All of the circumstances going on in the world needs prayer.

Many years ago, I learned that the two emotions that I should not have are anger or fear. Either of these emotions can cloud your judgment. Reading and learning about the pandemic is better than doing nothing besides worrying and speaking negatively.

Recently, I had a back to reality moment. A friend related a story of her grandson, and one of his friends was outside having a conversation. No one was wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. The men work together and had just come from working out together at a health club. The friend has since been tested positive for COVID-19. Both the grandson and his wife have to be tested. If tests come back positive, their children will have to be tested and may have to be quarantined. My friend is now shaking in her boots because of being in such close proximity to the two men while having an innocent conversation just a few days earlier. She may have been innocently subjected to that terrible disease.

Of course, this story is real and condensed, but the essential information brought forth. I thought this story was needed to let people know that although our county has moved from the red phase to the green phase, we still have to be diligent with our behavior. People are still getting sick and dying from this virus that is still with us. The green phase does not suggest the COVID-19 has been eradicated. There are several diseases, such as the plague and yellow, that are still around today after being thought of as eliminated. Safeguarding yourself and others is necessary to hold these illnesses at bay. When everyone takes the effort to wash your hands, cover your cough and watch what you touch, we can send the COVID-19 into hiding.

I have to confess to sometimes being lax with some of my actions. At the end of the day, I do a self-evaluation that hopefully makes me a better person the next day.

All the work we do, keeping the meals healthy and appetizing, and keeping our work area clean and sanitary to ensure everyone’s safety will be for naught if we fail to keep everyone safe.

I personally will feel devastated if I ever have any thought of causing anyone to fall ill because of my failures.

Over these past few months, I’ve had the opportunity to not just spend time with our cook and coordinator but also several substitutes for the different jobs. It’s amazing the professionalism that runs this center. To see these employees deal with ever-changing rules, regulations, and the decisions that have to be dealt with daily is impressive. I cannot express enough the blessings and pleasure it is to work with this staff. Those that pick up meals to deliver to shut-ins are also a blessing that they provide a very needed service. These angels have served many people.

One day, we will be opening the center again for business as usual. Until then, we must remain diligent with precautions. We haven’t seen the end of this virus yet.

God bless you all.


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