Small steps to big changes

Change. Many people have a hard time with it.
Change is much easier to deal with if small steps are taken instead of all at once. When I started learning about nutrition and healthy foods I didn’t change everything all at once. I still do not have a “perfect” diet but it sure is much better than what it used to be. Plus, I feel better, my migraines are few and far between, I am pretty happy with my weight and I have energy to keep up with my two kids. Small changes toward my goal has led me to where I am today.
“What do I need to do to be healthy?” I get this question all the time. I wish I had a simple answer. Health is complex. There are many pieces to the puzzle. I tell my clients to set goals and start to put together a list of steps to reach those goals.
Is your goal to be able to fit into your swimsuit this summer? Is it to have more energy? Is it to prevent heart disease because it runs all through your family? Is it to reduce your stress? Is it to enjoy life more?
You have two choices: You can continue doing what you’ve always done or you can start making the necessary changes to have the life you want and deserve. It’s a life that comes out of self-growth and life-changing transformation. How do you get there?
Here are my six tips:
• Realize that heath is a journey, not a destination. Change is the only constant. Even if you reach your weight goal, you will then have to maintain it. Then, your food habits may change and you might gain a few pounds. Your goals may then change. Don’t get too frustrated. Find peace in the fact that things are going to happen that affect your life and your goals may shift.
• Practice gratitude. I have started this practice with my 3-year-old. When she gets frustrated and throws a tantrum, after she calms down, I ask her to say five things she is grateful for. This practice brings you back to center. It helps you realize and appreciate all the things you do have even when stress is high.
• Be in control of your life. Take time to think about what you want in life. What’s important to you? Where do you want to be in five, 10, 15 years? What health goals should you focus on?
• Learn to relax. Deep breathing works for many people. Exercise helps most of us to relax. Choose the way that works best for you. Relaxation allows you to deal well with change.
• Set smart goals. Be realistic. Don’t try to lose 30 pounds in a month. Try to be easy on yourself.
• Recognize your successes and celebrate! Get a massage. Buy a new book. Cook a new recipe like this one.
Easy Chicken Fried Rice
• Ingredients
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 package of chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
3 cups of chopped veggies (I used broccoli, carrots, celery, red pepper and onion, but get creative) 1 tablespoon plus 1/3 cup soy sauce (I prefer Eden Organic tamari soy sauce)
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups brown rice, cooked
Sauté chicken in sesame oil until lightly browned. Add veggies and 1 tablespoon soy sauce and cook until veggies are soft but not totally mushy. Push all veggies to one side of pan and add the eggs. Scramble the eggs and then add to the veggies. Add the cooked rice and mix all together. Add the soy sauce and mix again. Enjoy!
Betsy J. Moore is a nutrition and wellness coach. Visit her website at, on Twitter at or on Facebook at