Feeling like death, but healthier
As I am wont to do this time of year, I started a new exercise regime. This time, however, I decided to go big or go home. No longer just running on the treadmill, I began doing P90 with my sister.
P90 is the precursor to the widely popular P90x. Or maybe it used to be popular and something else took its place in the years where I let myself go. Either way, P90 is supposed to jump-start your metabolism and your drive to get healthy. And it has. However, it also served to point out just how badly I need to jump-start my metabolism and get healthy.
Last week, I was unable to get to my sister’s house to view the video, so I pulled out my stash of exercise videos to try and stay on track. Lo and behold, I had a P90x video of my own! Certain it would be a cinch since I was completing P90 without fail – except for that one time I got competitive with my sister over who could air-punch with more force, and I almost got sick. I popped it into the DVD player and geared up.
When my husband came into the room some time later, I was gasping for breath and trying to remain upright on legs made of jelly.
“I don’t think I can finish this,” I managed to squeak out.
“You are doing well,” he supportively replied. “How much longer do you have?”
“I’ve only done the warm-up!” I cried.
The first 15 minutes of that video is designed, I believe, to weed out the weak. And I nearly succumbed to those ranks. Instead, I decided to march in place for a few minutes and jump back in when I could breathe.
I was able to kick, punch and jump within a few minutes. After nearly 30 minutes, I was again exhausted – arms hanging at my sides, barely able to lift my legs exhausted.
During the final minutes, I was instructed to perform a move called Superman/Banana. In the Superman half, I was supposed to lie on my stomach while lifting my arms and feet off of the ground as if flying through the air. When the moderator called out “banana,” I was supposed to roll onto my back and reverse my arms and legs. It was supposed to work my core.
It was not possible.
By the time I rolled onto my stomach, he was yelling “banana.” When I pushed myself onto my back, it was time to fly again. Basically, I spent three minutes rolling over.
It was quite attractive. (Please note the sarcasm here.)
I felt like death for the following 20 minutes, but eventually my body released some type of chemical indicating I would recover. So you know what I did?
I did it again the next day. The jury is still out as to whether my metabolism is in high gear, but I am beginning to feel healthier.
Laura Zoeller can be reached at zoeller5@verizon.net.