Questions for Washington’s Got Talent contestants
Saturday, Jan. 30, is our Teen Outreach’s seventh annual Washington’s Got Talent finale at Trinity High School. The show is our only fundraiser, and is perfect for our mission. More than 200 young people are involved in planning and producing the event, led by our community coordinator, my daughter Amy Podgurski Gough. Tickets and online voting are available at
Traditionally, I dedicate the columns prior to the finale to our young finalists. They respond to three questions: 1. Why do you enjoy performing? 2. What does performing in Washington’s Got Talent mean to you, and 3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In ABC order, here are responses from the first half of our 21 finalists:
Julia Bodnar: 1. Performing gives me a chance to display my talent and the love I have for it to other people. 2. Performing in WGT means I am very fortunate to be in such a great show doing something I love. 3. In 10 years I hope to be a choreographer or dance instructor/studio owner.
Tamairra Bunge: 1. I enjoy performing because I can be myself. I get a chance to express my thoughts and feelings through the lyrics of the songs I sing. 2. Performing in WGT means a lot to me. I am so honored to be doing this. Someone appreciates my talent, and I have a chance to show more people what I love to do. 3. In 10 years I see myself with a bachelor’s degree and beginning to study veterinary medicine at Cornell University. I see myself working toward my dreams.
Alexis Christopher: 1. It gives me a chance to show people what I can do, it’s fun and I can do something that I love, which is singing. 2. That I’m able to show off my talent. I’m able to make new friends, and that I’m proud of what I can do and not be afraid to get into what I’m singing. 3. I hope by then I’ve graduated from college to become a math teacher. I’ll have my own house and car, hopefully have a husband or boyfriend.
Hailey Duncan: 1. I love singing and showing people my talent. 2. It allows me to express myself, and I’m also very happy to be performing with my best friend, Maci, this year. 3. In 10 years I see myself graduating from a music college like Juilliard and having different opportunities to sing at different places.
Emma Flickinger: 1. As I get more experience performing, the more I love it and can’t live without it. Being able to share my love for singing with an audience is like nothing else. 2. After being part of the SHO (Students Helping Others) committee for three years, being able to be part of the competing side of the show is an honor, and I hope I can enjoy the experience. 3. In 10 years, hopefully, I will have survived college with minimal debt and still want to be an engineer. Singing will definitely be part of my life, but in what way only time will tell.
Olivia Flowers: 1. I enjoy performing because it lets me take all my emotions out in my dancing.
2. It means that all my hard work has paid off. 3. I see myself traveling the world choreographing dances.
Diana Motte: 1. I’ve always loved singing because it is the best way for me to express my heart. That’s why I especially enjoy singing worship music. 2. It means I get a chance to share the gifts God has blessed me with to raise money for a great cause. 3. I see myself singing as a worship leader in church or on a traveling worship team.
Anthony Popovski (No Interruption): 1. Performing allows me to share what I love to do with others. Performing brings people together, which I think is a beautiful thing. 2. It’s a huge honor. This will probably be the largest crowd I’ve ever performed for. WGT is a wonderful event full of opportunity, and I’m glad to be part of it. 3. That can go two ways, depending on how this performance goes! (haha) My dream is to play in this band full time, travel and play the big stages. My goals now are to graduate college with a degree in engineering or business and enter a career in one of those fields. I hope to have a family, and I’m certain music will remain a part of my life.
Taylor Prezel: 1. I like performing to express my emotions. When I dance I can express my feelings. Dancing to me is a stress reliever. I love showing people what I can do. 2. I like how I can meet new people and also do what I love. 3. I would love to dance in college and minor in it, too. I see myself possibly opening my own dance studio one day.
Matthew Pukansky (No Interruption):1. I have always enjoyed music, whether listening to it or making it. After seven years in my school’s band, I’ve come to enjoy performing with friends. It’s always fun, and music brings people together. 2. Performing in WGT means an opportunity for our band to be heard and for us to spread our love of music for a good cause. 3. Hopefully the band takes off – if not, I’m hoping to graduate with a degree in some type of physical engineering.