Behind the Mask
Arielle Workman is a paramedic with AHN Canonsburg Hospital. She also is a volunteer firefighter and paramedic at North Strabane Township Volunteer Fire Department.
Workman loves to travel in her free time, and has visited Scotland and Ireland a few times. She also enjoys going to the beach, fishing, golfing with her EMS co-workers, and doing outdoor activities.
Workman lives with her fiance, Robert, and their three cats, Halo, Google and Dennis the Menace.
She loves spending time with with her family, including her parents Sonny and Jackie; her brother, Aaron, his wife, Mary, and their two daughters; and her sister, Alyssa and her hsubband, Richy, and their daighter.
Q. What topic could you spend hours talking about, and why?
A. I can never stop talking about my three nieces Lucy, Annie and Elliana. Becoming an Aunt has been the biggest blessing in my life and I am so proud of them and will boast about them for as long as someone will listen.
Q. What is the best thing that happened to you this week?
A. I was able to spend some quality time with my two nieces Lucy and Annie. Due to the lockdown, I have not been able to see them since March so being able to play with them outside was amazing.
Q. What’s something that everyone in the world can agree on?
A. In this world, we need to treat each other with kindness and love. Every moment is precious and we need to make the most out of it.
Q. Baseball players have a walkup song that plays when they get up to bat. What would your walkup song be?
A. “This Is Me” from the movie The Greatest Showman. It may start off slow, but the lyrics are so powerful and moving. It is about loving yourself and being proud of yourself no matter what others may think or say.
Q. What movie or movies can you watch over and over again without getting tired of it/them?
A. The Princess Bride, Robin Hood Men In Tights, and last but definitely not least, The Wizard of Oz. I have so many fond memories of watching these movies with my mother and sister, and I consider them my top three favorites of all time. I know all three movies by heart and actually got to play the Cowardly Lion once at the ‘Land of Oz Park’ in North Carolina.
Q. What food can you not get enough of?
A. I can never get enough crab legs! They are my absolute favorite food and I will always say yes when I’m asked for more. I also have to say fried mozzarella sticks are just as high on my list.
Q. What do you want people to know about the COVID-19 pandemic?
A. I would like people to know that this too shall pass. AHN is prepared and is out there on the front lines taking care of both its community and its frontline workers. This has been a very trying time for everyone and their families but we will get through this. I also want to take the time to thank each and every essential employee that has worked to keep this country running. You all are amazing!!
And, as always, keep washing your hands.