College news
Jesse L. Descutner was named to the dean’s list at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is majoring in urban planning and historic preservation certification. He is a member of the Urban Studies Association and plays in-line hockey on Pitt’s intramural leagues. Descutner is a 2012 graduate of Avella High School, and his parents are Harry and Debra Descutner of Avella.
Kierra Jean Falbo of Venetia has become a recognized member of Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Amberley R. Karch graduated summa cum laude from Washington & Jefferson College, where she majored in chemistry. She was a member of Student Affiliates of American Chemical Society, an Alpha Scholar, secretary of Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society and a member of the film club and Alpha Lambda Delta Honorary Society. She was named to the dean’s list eight consecutive semesters. Karch is a 2009 graduate of Burgettstown Junior/Senior High School, and her parents are Frank L. and Diane Karch of Burgtettstown. She will attend Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Samantha Wilkinson graduated from Penn State University, where she earned a bachelor of science degree in biology, with minors in wildlife and fisheries science. Wilkinson is a 2009 graduate of McGuffey High School, and her parents are Samuel and Shonda Wilkinson and Kathy Gonzalez of Washington. Wilkinson is a project facilitator for Black & Veatch, an engineering company in Pittsburgh.
Joelle Yamber graduated summa cum laude from Duquesne University with a bachelor of science degree in secondary education mathematics and a bachelor of arts degree in mathematics. She was named to the dean’s list every semester. She was treasurer of Kappa Delta Epsilon and Mortar Board; president of BETA; media coordinator of Colleges Against Cancer; service chairwoman of Pi Lambda Theta and DUSEA; a School of Education ambassador; and a member of Omicron Delta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. She also received the Dean’s Teaching Fellow Award as well as the Director’s Circle Award. Yamber is a 2009 graduate of Avella High School and has accepted a secondary mathematics position in the Avella district. Her parents are Joe and Janelle Yamber of Avella.