Minor – Wellman

Lacey Wellman and Ben Minor were united in marriage at 4:30 p.m. January 18, 2014, in First Park Congregational Church, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Her parents are Scott Wellman and Marilyn Hebebrand of Grand Rapids and her grandparents are the late Dr. Bill and Carola Wellman and the late Ziggy and Mary Koziel.
The bridegroom’s parents are Grant and Emily Minor of Washington. His grandparents are Mary Ann Johnson of Washington, the late Roger Johnson and the late Fran and Marcella Minor.
The bride was given in marriage by her father,
Junior bridesmaids were Parker and Kendall Scarborough of San Francisco, Calif., cousins of the bride. Flower girl was Abigail Warren, of Huntsville, Ala., cousin of the groom.
Ushers were Jimmy Minor, brother of groom, and Corey Wellman, brother of bride.
Reader was Katie Minor, sister of the groom.
A reception was held in The Cheney Place.
The bride is a graduate of Forest Hills Central High School in Grand Rapids and Western Michigan University. She is a district sales manager for Celgene.
The groom is a graduate of Trinity High School and Denison University. He served four years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps and is an investment advisor with Stonegate Wealth Management.
The newlyweds took a honeymoon trip to Kauai, Hawaii.