Dec. 11
Nixon, Shileen Q. of Pittsburgh from Donald W. Nixon of Canonsburg
Dec. 12
Clemmens, Karen S. of McMurray from James P. Clemmens of McMurray
Leone, John of Monongahela from Barbara Jo Leone of Charleroi
Barney, Margaret of Houston from David C. Barney of Eighty Four
Goglia, Marguerite of Pittsburgh from Fallon Hanley of Port St. Lucie, Fla.
Eastwood, Alena M. of Charleroi from Jason C. Eastwood of Charleroi
Allen, Sandra of Langeloth from Richard A. Hilliard of Cokeburg
Kendall, Melissa of Dunlevy from Robert Kendall of Charleroi
El-Tahch, Sheena of Washington from Paul El-Tahch of Pittsburgh
Dec. 16
Miller, Michael D. of Washington from Shelly R. Miller of Washington
Vail, Thomas of Fayetteville, N.C., from Karissa Vail of Monongahela
Moskal, Eric of Monongahela from Jessica Moskal of Monongahela
Stazer, Meredith of Canonsburg from Alexander Stazer of Bridgeville
Pullen, Wesley G. of Canonsburg from Patrice N. Pullen of Venetia
Rankin, Heather L. of Ellsworth from Mark A. Rankin of White Oak
Mitchell, Robert J. of Meadow Lands from Martha Grace Mitchell of Washington
Pagano, Leah of Washington from Kelsey Perry of Washington
Taylor, Paul W. of Washington from Angela J. Taylor of Washington
Rogers, Patricia Jane of Canonsburg from Michael Patrick Rogers of Canonsburg
Marlar, Heather of McDonald from Christopher Marlar of Imperial
Difalco, Joseph Kirk of Canonsburg from Lea Ann Difalco of Canonsburg
Dec. 17
Spicer, Fred J. of Canonsburg from Carley M. Spicer of Pittsburgh
Anders, Maureen of Canonsburg from Theodore Whiting of Mercer
Torlone, Ashley Michelle of Washington from Mark Joseph Torlone of Washington
Sharratt, Maureen of Washington from Todd A. Sharratt of Washington
Sobehart, Jodie Lynn of McMurray from Edward Francis Sobehart of McMurray
Matthews, Linda Lea of Monessen from Richard Duvall Matthews of North Charleroi
Dec. 18
Schneider, Pamela R. of Claysville from Daniel Glenn Schneider of Washington
Miller, Richard Lee of Washington from Christa Lynn Rudd of Houston, Texas
Dec. 19
Dudiak, Karen F. of Canonsburg and James C. Dudiak of McMurray