Ringer – Orndoff

Robert and Barbara Orndoff of Washington announce the engagement of their daughter, Michelle, to Stephen Ringer, son of James and Debbie Ringer of Hempfield and Ric and Dawn Couch of Washington.
Michelle’s grandparents are Jeanie Jennings of Washington, the late Myron C. Jennings and the late William and Virginia Orndoff.
Her fiance’s grandparents are James W. and Bonnie Ringer, Len and Margaret Dallapiazza and Carol McCoy, all of Washington, and the late James Robert McCoy.
The bride-to-be is a 2002 graduate of Trinity High School and a 2006 graduate of Washington & Jefferson College, where she earned a degree in psychology and business administration. She is an oil and gas title researcher.
The future groom is a 2008 graduate of Burgettstown High School. He is a volunteer firefighter in South Strabane Township and an apprentice for Ironworkers Local Union No. 3.
The couple plan a July 11 wedding.