School registration
Burgettstown Area Elementary Center, 100 Bavington Road, will hold registration for children entering kindergarten and those entering first grade for the first time as follows: March 4 for children whose last names begin with A through M and March 5 for children whose last names begin with N through Z. Registration will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 2:30 p.m. Children must be 5 years old by Aug. 31 to enter kindergarten. The following must be brought to registration: child’s birth certificate, immunization records and proof of residency. Pennsylvania state law mandates the following minimum immunization requirements for students entering school for the first time: three doses of hepatitis B vaccine; second dose of measles vaccine; fourth dose of tetanus and diphtheria vaccine; three doses of polio vaccine; and two doses of chicken pox vaccine, history of disease or lab test. Physical and dental exams are required before the first day of school. Forms will be distributed at registration. Any parent registering a child who has restrictions involving custody or guardian issues must present an official court order defining those restrictions. It is not necessary for children to accompany parents or guardians to registration.
Chartiers-Houston School District will hold kindergarten registration by appointment only from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 4-6. To schedule an appointment, call 724-745-4700, ext. 300. Eligible children must be at least 5 years old on or before Aug. 31. In addition to speech and vision screenings, teachers will complete basic diagnostic testing. Parents or guardians should bring the following: child’s birth certificate, immunization records, license and utility bill for verification of residency. A packet will be mailed before the scheduled registration date and time. Forms must be completed and returned at registration.