Schools in need can apply for free supplies
Education Partnership’s School and Classroom Supplies Initiative program applications will be accepted between March 6 and 27.
Schools in which 70 percent or more of the students qualify for a free or reduced lunch through the National School Lunch Program in Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington and Westmoreland counties are able to apply to the Education Partnership’s School and Classroom Supplies Initiative.
During the 2015-16 academic year, the Education Partnership will provide 44 schools, serving 16,000 students, with essential school supplies needed for success in the classroom.
All applications will be anonymously reviewed by an external selection committee. The committee will review the applications for the following criteria:
• Do at least 70 percent of the students qualify for a free or reduced lunch?
• Will the school have a high level of participation and commitment from their teachers and administrators?
• Can the program make a big impact on the school?
For more information about qualifications or the application process, call 412-922-6500 or visit