Take a virtual walk through state parks
Penn State Extension will once again be taking a virtual walk in Pennsylvania state parks.
Teams of up to five people will try to average walking or exercising 10 miles per week to meet the goal of Everybody Walk Across PA. Walk with a team or on your own at your convenience. Team captains will report the mileage for their team each week. Everyone will receive weekly email progress reports.
Each week will bring a new theme, including beautiful vistas, dramatic waterfalls, unusual geologic features and family-friendly hikes. Along the way, there will be tips on outdoor food safety, ideas for child-friendly activities, motivators to keep walking and strategies for eating more fruits and vegetables.
The program will run March 30 through May 24.
The program is free, but registration is required by March 29 by visiting http://extension.psu.edu/health/walk-across-pa or contacting Dori Campbell at 724-837-1402 or DLD156@psu.edu.