
Women’s Business Network will meet as follows:
• McMurray Chapter, 8:30 a.m. the first and third Wednesdays of the month at the bowling alley at The Meadows Casino, 210 Racetrack Road, Washington. Call Tommi Calabria at 724-825-7818.
• South Hills Chapter, 8 a.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month at King’s Restaurant, 155 McMurray Road, Upper St. Clair. Call Susan Ceklosky at 412-334-3230.
• Mt. Lebanon Chapter, 8:30 a.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Crowne Plaza Inn, 164 Fort Couch Road. Call Amy Kulikowski at 412-965-6443.
• Washington Chapter, 8:30 a.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Holiday Inn, Meadow Lands. Call Tracy Eisenman at 724-263-0304.
Liberty United Methodist Church, 1330 Banetown Road, Washington, will hold a community dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Menu includes cream chicken and biscuit, mashed potatoes, green beans, cole slaw or fruit, dessert and beverage. A freewill offering will be accepted and a portion of all proceeds will benefit local charities. Carryout will be available. For more information, call 724-222-7180.
South Hills Coin Club will meet at 8 p.m. Jan. 12 at Bethel Presbyterian Church, 2999 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park. A 50/50 drawing will be offered, and kids prizes will be awarded. Applications are being accepted for membership. For more information, call 724-984-6611.
Charleroi Lodge 615 Free and Accepted Masons will meet at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Masonic Lodge, Seventh Street and McKean Avenue. For more information, call 724-984-6611.