Digon – Blackhurst

Kelly Blackhurst and Dustin Digon were united in marriage October 24, 2015, at Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church, Charleroi, with the Rev. James Ragan officiating the 2:30 p.m. ceremony.
The bride’s parents are Carla Blackhurst of Washington and the late Kenny Blackhurst. Her grandparents are the late Jack and Pauline Blackhurst and the late Mona and Robert Brahs Jr.
Parents of the bridegroom are John and Michele Digon of Washington. His grandparents are Allan and Janet Agamedi of Charleroi and the late Michael and Francis Digon.
The bride was given in marriage by her mother and half brother, Travis Blackhurst.
Maid of honor was Spenser Scott of Washington. Bridesmaids were Morgan Hritz of Johnstown; Sadie Digon of Washington, sister of the bride; Brittany Digon of Washington, sister-in-law of the groom; and Abigail Blackhurst of Claysville, niece of the bride.
Flower girl was Madalynn Blackhurst, niece of the bride.
Best man was Michael Digon of Washington, brother of the groom. Ushers were Nick Caporoso of Harrison City, Cody Wedge of Myersdale, Andrew Rezk of Venetia and Travis Blackhurst of Claysville, the bride’s brother.
Ring bearer was Mitchell Vuick, cousin of the groom.
Reader was Deb Lenkey of Daisytown, Godmother of the groom.
Vocalist was Doug Grecko of Charleroi.
The bride is a 2010 graduate of Trinity High School and a 2015 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. She is a third-grade teacher at Conemaugh Township Area Elementary School.
Mr. Digon is a 2011 graduate of Trinity High School and a 2015 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. He is a mechanical engineer at Marc Service Inc.
A reception was held at the Chartiers Township fire hall.