Class reunion notices

Western Center class reunion will be held from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 17 at the Washington Park stone pavilion. Bring a covered dish and beverages. Food bank donations will be collected.
Trinity High School Class of 1967 will hold its 50-year reunion Aug. 11 and 12 at the Golf Club of Washington. Information is needed for the following classmates: Helen Earlywine Archambau, Linda Ashmore, Christine Barger Beloin, Larry Broemsen, Sarah Rush Bowers, Pam Richmond Colbert, Judy Edris, Mary Comfort Frabell, Ken Frazee, Barbara Neish Grundy, Cindy Cunningham Hasley, Alice Crawford Heather, Pam Hall Henderson, John Hughes, Ed Johnson, Dennis Junge, Jack Krause, Anna Mae Thropp Linn, Joan Marshall, Jim Mass, Kathy Grealish Matthews, Earl McCardle, David McConnell, Bob McGuffie, Richard Mounts, Charles Mowl, Bill Price, Eric Riggle, Marie Vajentic Salvinski, Linda Parkinson Sico, Irene Strogish, Rose Karp Truijillo, Dave Underwood, Darlene Gray Vehner, Dennis West and Donald Woods. Contact Judy Baer Yater at 724-228-1835 or Kathy Stickle Setto at 724-745-2002.