
A square dance will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday at Center Township Fire Hall, Rogersville. There also will be line dancing, polkas, a cake walk and more. The caller will be Dave Dahl. Cost is $7 per adult, $10 per couple, or $5 for ages 12 to 18. Food and drinks will be served beginning at 6:30 p.m. Proceeds benefit Center Township Volunteer Fire Department. For more information, call 724-499-5385.
A bake sale will be held Friday at Greene County Courthouse. Hot dogs, creamed chicken sandwiches, veggie pizza, cabbage and noodles and various desserts will be available. Proceeds benefit the auxiliary of Center Township Volunteer Fire Department.
Claysville United Methodist Church, 1279 Rt. 40 Main Street, will hold its annual strawberry festival and bake sale from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday in the church fellowship room. There will be a variety of sandwiches, salads and other foods including desserts of strawberries, cake and ice cream. Takeout orders will be available. The event is sponsored by the finance committee.