Zonta Club honors local women
The Zonta Club of Washington County recently honored seven local women who have excelled in their given profession to serve as an example to women in the community at its 22nd annual Rose Day event at Lone Pine Country Club.
Rose Day award winners were:
• Lindsay Benzenhoefer – teacher, Trinity School District, Education Award;
• Amy Gough – Washington Teen Outreach, producer of Washington’s Got Talent, Arts Award;
• Michelle Haggerty – the Haggerty Law Office, Business Award;
• Janetta (Nettie) Ledbetter – Washington City Mission’s Avis Arbor, Community Service Award;
• Michelle Leichety – Washington Elks, Volunteer Award;
• Sara Schumacher – vice president of fund development at Monongahela Valley Hospital, Health Service Award;
• Nancy Verderber – American Cancer Society, Nonprofit Award.
Zonta is an international Professional Women’s Organization that helps advance the status of women worldwide through advocacy and service. Zonta Club of Washington has been serving the county for the past 32 years. Its international service projects include providing birthing kits to developing countries to help reduce the mother-child mortality rates at birth.
Among its local service projects is providing jogging suits for rape victims. Zonta partners with Washington, Canonsburg and Monongahela Valley hospitals.