Special Day Apart at Elizabeth church

The Elizabeth Chapter of the Mary and Martha Joy Fellowship of Come Together in Jesus Name will hold its annual Special Day Apart May 20 at New Hope Assembly of God, 900 Peairs Road, Elizabeth.
There will be refreshments and fellowship at 9:30 a.m., followed by the meeting at 10. Reservations are $12 for a catered buffet lunch, followed by an afternoon session at 1 p.m. Reservations must be received by Saturday. Make checks payable to Mary & Martha Joy Fellowship and mail to: Virgie Vidil, 9911 Walker Road, Elizabeth, PA 15037.
Guest speakers will be Ray and Renaid Almgren, founders of Fire for the Nations International, a teaching, equipping and prophetic ministry based in Monroeville.
Since 1999, they have ministered in 15 countries in Europe and Africa and minister regularly in Israel and France.
The Almgrens worked at Cornerstone TV, and pioneered a church and pastored for almost eight years. They also helped establish House of His Presence, a house of prayer in Pittsburgh.
They are part of the leadership team at Petra International Ministries in Pittsburgh and help oversee Renaissance House of Prayer at Petra. They also write the Renaissance Movement, a weekly prayer letter; help host conferences; and mobilize and train intercessors.
Ray is a graduate of Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, and both are ordained through CFN’s Fellowship of Ministers and Churches.