Living Room Church pastor to speak

Pastor Henry Frain will speak Thursday during the praise and worship meeting of the Monongahela Chapter of the Mary and Martha Joy Fellowship of Come Together in Jesus Name.
Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the parlor of First Presbyterian Church of Monongahela, Sixth and Chess streets, followed by the meeting at 7. A free-will offering will be taken. Enter from the Chess Street side.
Frain was born again on Feb. 12, 1990. Within a few months, he went to work at a nondenominational church. He ministered at vacation Bible school and started Rock Ministries.
In 2001, he was ordained and called to pastor a local church group. A year later, he began a church at a fire hall in Sutersville. The congregation grew and purchased a church in Webster, calling it Carpenter’s Cross Church.
In 2011, the congregation purchased the former Webster Boat Club and remodeled it to be used as a community center. The free lunch program offered to the public on Mondays at the church could now be prepared and served across the street.
Recently, the Carpenter’s Cross Church facility was sold, and the congregation moved into the renovated building on 613 Gilmer St. It now is known as the Living Room Church.
For more information, call Virgie Vidil at 412-384-4882, Barbara Simpson at 724-258-4293 or Charlene Pezzoni at 724-258-4516.