Washington County, Blueprints partner in rental assistance program
People who have lost significant income due to the novel coronavirus pandemic and who fall within monetary guidelines have an opportunity to apply to a state agency for rental assistance.
Washington County Human Services is partnering with the local Blueprints agency, formerly known as Community Action Southwest, to review applications beginning this week for the rental assistance program and provide paper applications for those who lack internet access.
The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, known as CARES, funds the rent relief, which includes middle-income earners.
Renters must be able to document at least a 30% reduction in income since March related to COVID-19. To be eligible, incomes cannot exceed the area median income for Washington County. For a single person, the income limit is $58,100, for example. For a two-person household, the limit is $66,400, and so on.
In late May, the Pennsylvania General Assembly directed $175 million of CARES Act dollars to the housing finance agency to provide assistance for struggling renters and homeowners. The portion for rent assistance is at least $150 million.
Jessica Hajek-Bates, Blueprints’ director for its “Building Futures” program, said the CARES Rent Relief Program application includes three parts, one that the tenant must fill out and two that the landlord has to fill out.
“People can save these as PDFs or print everything out and mail it to us,” Hajek-Bates said, stressing that it’s important that the three applications be submitted together, not piecemeal, to speed the process.
That co-application component makes it somewhat complicated, but Blueprints is certified as a counseling agency by the federal Housing and Urban Development Department, “so it was a natural fit for Blueprints to take this on on behalf of the county,” Hajek-Bates said.
“With all the supporting documents and several pieces to the application it’s going to take someone some time to get through it all. We’re there to support any way that we can.
“Income guidelines are higher than the folks we typically serve. We have had numerous conversations with the county, and based on call logs at our agency, need has started to increase.
“Folks can qualify for up to six months of rental assistance, a total of $4,500 over a six-month period. At this point, all funding must be distributed by Nov. 30.”
In a news release, the housing finance agency expects “the assistance to be exhausted before the deadline because of the tremendous need by people hurt financially by the pandemic.”
Blueprints’ website, www.myblueprints.org, links to Pennsylvania Housing Finance Assistance website, www.phfa.org where the applications and other information can be found.
Washington County residents and landlords can email completed applications to Blueprints at CRRP@myblueprints.org or, through the postal service, applications can be addressed to: Blueprints, Attention: Rent Relief Program, 150 W. Beau St., Suite 106, Washington, Pa., 15301.
Blueprints is not partnering with Greene County, which is handling applications through its Human Services Housing Program, 19 S. Washington St., Third Floor, Waynesburg, Pa., 15370. The phone number is 724-852-5276 and the email address is aswitalski@co.greene.pa.us.
In Westmoreland County, the program is handled by the Union Mission of Latrobe Inc., P.O. Box 271, 2217 Harrison Ave., Latrobe, Pa., 15650. The phone number is 724-539-3550 and the email addresses are RRP@theunionmission.org or info@theunionmission.org.
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency also has $25 million through the CARES Act for a mortgage assistance program, but it is handling those applications directly, not through counties or related agencies.
“We work with folks who may be facing foreclosure, but not through this program,” Hajek-Bates said.