
Bee idioms: How did they start?

2 min read

Bees are a vital part of our vegetable and flower garden life cycle. Over the years, several sayings about bees worked their way into our everyday language. Here are just a few.

Make a beeline for: The 1908 Davenport Daily Ledger reported that Gustav Stengel, Sr. of Rock Island, was thrown from his sleigh when his horse became frightened, turned abruptly and made a beeline for home. Bees head out to a source of nectar after watching a forager bee’s wiggle dance or a bee returning to the hive fully laden with pollen and nectar. Bees fly rapidly in the shortest, straightest line available, ignoring any distractions.

A bee in your bonnet: This idiom traces back to Virgil’s “Aeneid” from 1553. The phrase “hede full of beis” means being preoccupied with a strange idea that conjures an agitated state one would be in if a bee was buzzing around inside one’s hat.

The bee’s knees: This phrase traces to the late 1700s when it referred to anything stylish, especially something small and delicate, such as a lace collar or the tiny joint in a bee’s leg. In the 1920s, other groovy sayings, like the “cat’s whiskers,” “snake’s hips” and “flea’s eyebrows,” revived this saying.

Spelling bee: A “bee” is a meeting of people working together for the common good of the group since at least the 1700s. For example, Americans would join a husking bee to strip corn. The phrase expanded to include many purposeful gatherings like Scripps National Spelling Bee.

Put the bee on: This saying meant asking someone for money, often with a pitiful, woe-is-me tale. It goes to the American frontier days when churchgoers would organize a “bee” to gather donations to pay the preacher.

I end with a few silly jokes appropriate to our topic.

What does a bee use to style his hair? Answer: A honeycomb.

Why do bees hum? Answer: They forgot the words.

What do you call a wasp? Answer: A wanna-bee.


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