
Helping the Helpers

The United Way organization carries a well-known, national name with a mission to connect partners, donors, volunteers and the community to combat world-wide issues. Locally Greene County United Way (GCUW) serves its coverage area through partnerships and programming. Like their national ...

The passion of a mother and son created a community theatre program in Canonsburg that still thrives today. In 1949, Edith Disney and her son, Will, started Little Lake Theatre in an old barn in Washington County. There, they put on plays and started a 75-year tradition of inclusivity and ...

Local churches come together to Love Fayette

Pastors from several Fayette County churches may have only incorporated the nonprofit Love Fayette a few months ago, but the group has unofficially been working behind the scenes for the past 12 years. “The mission was created for the betterment of Fayette County and their families,” said ...

The Community Foundation of Greene County (CFGC) is a nonprofit organization responsible for managing and distributing funds to various charities in the community. “Our funds go out in four different ways,” said David Calvario, executive director of CFGC. “We have scholarships for ...