Dumbbell fly good way to target chest, shoulders
Once a month, I use my column to show you how to do a particular exercise. This month, let’s look at the dumbbell fly.
Primary muscles targeted include the chest and shoulders. The dumbbell fly also engages the upper back and biceps secondarily, as stabilizing muscles.
The rotator cuff and back of the shoulders are worked, as well as the serratus anterior, a muscle along the rib cage that helps to keep the shoulders in proper alignment.
Starting position: Lie on your back on a firm surface, such as a bench or the floor. If on the floor, bend the knees. If using a bench, keep your feet on the floor.
If your back arches when using a bench, you can place the feet on a slightly raised platform to help keep the spine in a neutral to flat position.
Lowering phase: Hold the dumbbells over your chest, arms up and hands facing each other, then slowly lower the arms until they are level with your shoulders or chest. The arm position used resembles the same as if giving a big hug, with just a slight bending of the elbow. Keep your feet firmly on the floor throughout the exercise.
Lifting phase: Slowly bring the arms back up into the starting position, keeping the same slight bend at the elbow, with wrists in a neutral position.
Tips: Safety is your first priority when working out. If you are a beginner, seek the advice of a professional or use a spotter who has experience with strength training to help ensure proper form.
When performing this exercis, do not lock out the arms. Instead, leave a slight bend at the elbow.
Keep your back in its normal neutral position and your arms slightly beneath the shoulder joint.
Ensure that you don’t hunch your shoulders while performing the exercise. Instead, pull the shoulder blades slightly down and back so that they make firm contact with the floor or bench.
The dumbbell fly is one option for helping to strengthen the chest muscles. For maximum benefit, include it alongside other common chest exercises, such as push-ups and presses. This allows for developing strength on varying planes of movement.
The dumbbell fly is usually performed on a flat bench or floor, but also can be performed on an incline surface. Using an incline bench stresses the upper chest and front of the shoulders to a greater degree, so to be safe, lighter weights should be used. You also can do the dumbbell fly using cables or resistance bands, or while lying on a stability ball, which helps work on balance and engages the abdominals.
Not all exercises are right for everyone. If you have rotator cuff or shoulder injuries, avoid doing flyes and consult with your doctor for guidance.
Marjie Gilliam is a personal trainer and fitness consultant.