Volunteer for veterans
Dear Annie: Each February, Americans participate in the National Salute to Veteran Patients by visiting and volunteering at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers, and by sending valentines and letters of thanks to those who have protected our nation. This year’s National Salute is Feb. 8-14, and we again encourage communities across the country to take part in this effort to honor our hospitalized veterans.
As many of your readers know, this past year has been one of challenge for VA. Some veterans have fairly questioned our ability to deliver quality care. We at VA are listening, and we understand that we must continue to improve our services to better serve our veterans. Through our MyVA initiative, VA is focused on improving customer service to ensure veterans are in control of how, when and where they want to be served. In 2014, VA significantly increased the number of completed health care appointments and authorizations for veterans to receive private-sector care. We have made progress to rebuild trust with veterans and stakeholders, improve service delivery, and set a course for long-term excellence and reform. But more work remains.
Those who continue to serve our veterans each and every day by volunteering at a VA facility give of themselves to assist and care for those who have served our nation proudly and courageously. Our VA volunteer support is evident each and every day at our 152 medical facilities, 827 community-based outpatient clinics, 300 Vet Centers, and 70 outreach and mobile clinics. We also work hand-in-hand with our valuable Veteran Service Organizations, civic and community partners, and caring individuals from across the country.
Last year, 404,367 valentines were received at VA medical centers, along with 20,697 visits to an estimated 93,000 hospitalized veteran patients. I thank you and your readers for your work in bringing attention to this worthy cause.
Of special note, VA Voluntary Service recruited a total of 710 new volunteers during the week of the 2014 Valentines for Veterans concert series. This is an outstanding tribute to the ongoing support for veterans nationwide.
As the secretary of Veterans Affairs, I encourage your thoughtful readers to again take time this February to honor our veterans. As always, Annie, thank you for your support of this outstanding program. For more information regarding the National Salute and volunteer opportunities at a local VA medical center, please visit VA’s Voluntary Service Web page at www.volunteer.va.gov. Sincerely – Robert A. McDonald, Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Dear Secretary McDonald: Every year, readers impress us with their outpouring of appreciation for our veterans through the Valentines for Vets program. We know they will come through again.
Sending a valentine or volunteering at one of the VA medical facilities is a wonderful way to express our gratitude to those who have served our country. The veterans would be especially thrilled if you could spend a few minutes visiting in person. Tell them how much you appreciate their service. Ask about their families and their hometowns.
Teachers, you have always been so supportive in making this a class project for your students. Every year, the dedicated members of Camp Fire USA participate in this VA program, and Salvation Army volunteers distribute valentines, gifts and refreshments at various VA facilities. Concerts and other programs are held across the country as part of the National Salute to Veteran Patients weeklong festivities.
If you do not live close enough to a VA facility to drop off your valentines in person, it’s perfectly OK to put them in the mail. Simply check your phone book for the nearest VA facility, or go to the VA website at www.va.gov.
We can never repay these courageous veterans for the sacrifices they have made on our behalf, but we can take the time to let them know they have not been forgotten. We know of nothing else that costs so little and brings so much happiness. – Marcy and Kathy
Email questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254