Annie’s Mailbox: Starting to resent sex
Q. I am 26 years old and have been in a wonderful relationship for four years. “Cody” is my best friend, and we are extremely compatible.
Here’s the problem: His sex drive could run circles around mine. Sex is the only way he feels appreciated, loved and needed. Cuddles and kisses don’t sate his desire. This puts immense pressure on me to accommodate him, and I’m starting to resent it.
If Cody does something sweet for me, such as taking me to dinner, he will make a casual joke about how I should thank him in the bedroom. I have sat him down before and told him how his comments make me feel and that I don’t like the emphasis he puts on sex. He either brushes it off, saying I’m too sensitive, or gets upset and says I should do the things for him that he enjoys.
I love him and want to make him happy, but shouldn’t that go both ways? I don’t want to feel like sex is his favorite form of currency. Any advice? – California
A. The fact Cody likes sex and prefers it to other things is neither unusual nor worrisome. But we don’t like the way he brushes off your concerns, blaming you for being “too sensitive.” This is an indication Cody is immature and dismissive of your feelings. Pressuring you is a form of controlling the relationship. You may think Cody is terrific and your best friend, but we think otherwise.
Sexual compatibility issues don’t disappear. In fact, they tend to get worse over time, especially when compounded with the other traits Cody displays. If you are determined to stay with Cody, please get couples counseling to see whether you can make this better.
Dear Annie: I am writing in response to the letter from “Logansport,” who does not like it when people talk during performances. I, too, find it rude.
I simply ask the talkers, “Don’t you like the performance?” And with that, they usually take the hint. I said that to two senior women last month, and though they looked daggers at me, they stopped. After the intermission, however, they moved to another aisle so they could keep talking.
We often hear about how rude young people are today, but I believe these young ones often grow up to be rude senior citizens. – Danville, Ill.
Email questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254