Wife’s model behavior doesn’t sit well with this husband

Q. My wife and I are recently married, and we moved to a new town a year ago. Our neighbor is an art professor at a community college. He is a kind gentleman, and we spend a fair amount of time together, having each other over for dinners, cookouts, etc.
Last summer, he asked my wife to would work as a model for two of his drawing classes. He has trouble finding models during the day, and she is a homemaker. She agreed. Well, she recently brought home one of the professor’s sketches from class and I was shocked to see that she posed in the nude. She assumed I knew what kind of models work for college art classes, but I was really upset. She said she enjoys the work and would like to keep doing it.
Now I find myself uncomfortable when the three of us are together, knowing that he sees her naked on a regular basis. If the class were taught by a stranger, I would have less of a problem with it. He has already asked her back for next semester, and I’d like her to say no. She says I am being unreasonably jealous. Is she right? – The Husband
A. Art class models are not objects of sexual desire. They are simply a way to help students draw the human form. We doubt the professor thinks about your wife in any way other than as a friend and colleague. Here’s our recommendation: Attend the class a few times to see exactly what’s going on. If you still feel the professor or the students have a prurient interest in your wife, or if you believe your wife is doing this because she wants to be seductive, you should ask her to stop for the health of your marriage.
Q. I am concerned about a friend who consumes large quantities of alcohol every night. Since his liver tests come back OK, he thinks it isn’t a problem, and that he can drink a lot because he’s a big guy.
Would you be able to elaborate with factual information on what harm may be done to the body other than the liver? Most discussions about alcohol refer to the damage it does to relationships and job, and the risk of driving under the influence. But I think there’s more than temporary impairment. I want him to make a more informed decision on how to deal with stress. I love him and would like to see him have a long life. – Hoping for a Change
A. We doubt this knowledge will change his attitude about drinking, but according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. While moderate drinking can prevent coronary heart disease, drinking a lot over a long time, or too much on a single occasion can cause cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, stroke and high blood pressure. Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can lead to pancreatitis. Too much alcohol can increase your risk of developing cancer of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver and breast, and can weaken your immune system. This is in addition to liver damage, which you already know about. By the time his liver tests aren’t “OK,” it may be too late.
Email questions to anniesmailbox@creators.com, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254