Old Trails BPW honors students
Old Trails Business and Professional Women’s Club honored students of the month for April and May in the areas of sports and technology.
• Ashton Lopez, whose guardian is Michelle Oreski, attends Bentworth High School and was chosen in the area of sports. He participated in football and wrestling and plans to attend the University of Massachusetts to study chemistry.
• Kennedy Kuhns, daughter of Kim and Joe Kuhns, attends Bethlehem-Center High School and was chosen in the area of sports. She participated in volleyball, basketball and track and field and plans to attend West Virginia Wesleyan College to study chemistry and play volleyball.
• Aislyn Lee, daughter of Kevin and Marissa Lee, attends Charleroi High School and was chosen in the area of sports. She played basketball and soccer and plans to attend Robert Morris University to study criminal justice.
• Tresten Maksemetz, son of Jason and Charis Maksemetz, attends Charleroi High School and Mon Valley Career and Technology Center, and was chosen in the area of technology. Maksemetz, who was involved with Skills USA, plans to attend Pittsburgh Technical College for a bachelor’s degree in computer and information systems.