Volunteer connection

Faith in Action, one of TRPIL’s services, needs caring volunteers to assist senior citizens or individuals with disabilities to remain independent. Some recent requests are:
- Canonsburg woman who
- is a stroke survivor needs assistance with organizing paperwork, visiting and rides to the grocery store.
- Canonsburg senior needs assistance with lawn care.
- Claysville senior woman needs help with laundry.
- Washington woman with various health issues needs rides for shopping, errands and friendly visits.
- Washington senior man with lupus needs help with rides to grocery store and errands.
- Washington senior veteran needs rides or escort assistance to appointments. His walker will fit in a car.
- West Alexander senior needs rides to and from Washington three days a week for dialysis. Gas will be paid by family.
Contact Faith in Action at 724-223-5115 ext. 1203. The office staffed part-time and will return calls. Volunteers are trained and screened.