
Western Area Career and Technical Center honor roll

2 min read
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Fourth nine weeks

High honors

Anastasia Allen

Logan Almo

Bryce Ammon

Thomas Anderson

Elizabeth Anderson

Kayla Andreoli

Rydge Appleby

Jacob Arthur

Lexie Ashcraft

Caleb Bacon

Keiarra Baker

Nathan Baker

Tylor Barker

Justin Bartoletti

Brian Bayne

Gavin Beatty

Dustin Bedillion

Francisco Berumen

Kayla Blaser

Blake Blodgett

Shannon Bock

Rebecca Bouchelle

Johnathan Bozic

Michael Brancheck

Zachary Brezinski

Benjamin Bristor

Noah Brown

Haley Brumbaugh

Daniel Buchko

Brandon Buckels

Mason Burgdolt

Shane Cairns

Haley Caldwell

Ian Caldwell

Joshua Camacho

Colette Camp

Robert Carrington

Emily Chase

Christian Chase

Nicholas Cooley

Julia Corrick

Courtney Cowell

Victoria Crothers

Samantha Crum

Gillian Danser

Kyle Dietrich

Ashleigh DuBois

Haylea Dupain

Nicole Durbin

Maggie English

James Everly

Ikaika Figueroa

Kristian Gaines

Matthew Gaines

Samantha Garrett

Breanna Gilbert

Josey Goodell

Evan Greenslate

Eli-Jiah Harps

Katina Haskakis

Daniel Hecht

Makayla Henderson

Dalton Ilgenfritz

Shane Ilgenfritz

Andre Jennings

Nathan Kehm

Samuel Kelvington

Westin Kimble

Austin Kimenski

Taylor Kolovich

Lewis Korzinski

Kari Kostanich

Karly Krelic

Alyssa Kroesen

Blake Lance

Philip Laquatra

Isabella Lawry

Steven Leon

Madison Lipinski

Joseph Livolsi

Frederick Loechner

Justin Lowe

Catelyn Luellen

Devin Malone

Kasey Marcase

Harry Martin

Georgene Martin

Megan Matteson

Amber McClelland

Savanna McClelland

Morgan McCord

Seth McElhaney

Braydon McKindley

Saxon McNinch

Cal Miller

Julius Miller

Richard Milligan

Bethany Minger

Consuelo Mish

Patrick Moran

Shaunna Morris

Tyler Mundorff

Alexia Myers

Shawn Myers

Joseph Neish-McMurdy

Sierra Nichols

Holly Obringer

Gabriel Ogburn

Daniel Orum

Emily Owen

Billy Parker

Zachary Pasquale

Stefan Pernisek

Devin Phillips

Michael Pifferetti

Jesse Pigford

Roman Quinn

Tobias Reams

Benjamin Redd

Christopher Reeves

Nathan Robinson

Dalton Rogers

Cameron Romanakis

Katherine Sanchez

Faith Schweitzer

Shane Scott

Amanda Shultz

Justin Sim

Ashlee Slusarek

Makenna Smith

Luke Smithyman

Kyle Statkus

Daniel Stewart

Zaidin Strobel

Ian Stumpf

Logan Stupak

Seth Sumney

Noah Taylor

Caitlin Thomson

Isaiah Walls

Nathan Weigner

Noah West

Alayna Whewell

Alexander Wilk

Seth Yater

Cobe Yuhas

Austin Yurkovich-Shipe

Jareth Zevola

Leslie Zoeller

Lane Zook

Matthew Zrimsek



Julian Ambriz

Joseph Anderson

Dylan Anderson

Cassie Ashcraft

John Bertovich III

William Beverlin

Jules Bioni

Robert Bresselsmith

Deon Brooks

Leah Bruce

Shawn Buckels

Jayson Burgess

Justin Bush

Nicholas Cage

Alexandria Caldwell

Tiarra Carter-Green

Mya Casterline

Hannah Chisholm

Amanda Clark

Dartagnan Colvin

Hunter Cox

Tyler Culp

Georgialea Cumer

Wyatt Curtis

Amanda Davis

Hunter Dawso

Logan Dawso

Kourtney Dellapina

Austin Dever

Andrea Diaz

Dilan Donaldson

Abby Donella

Christian Drabeck

Candice Druga

Justin Dryer

Zachary Dunn

Shawn Dupain

James Durbin

Macey Ealy

Ryan Ealy

Anthony Georgetti

Audrey Gillingham

Evan Gourley

Destiny Gray

Aeriahna Gregg

John Griffin

Addyson Grudi

Kassaundra Harmon

Deven Harrison

Matthew Hecht

Maya Hicks

Hope Hileman

Gabrielle Hinch

Jack Horth

Ricky Howard

McKenzie Huber

Rhiannon Jackson

William Jackson III

Kyler Johnston

Ian Jones

Julian Kasavich

Randall Kidwell III

Maxine King

John Knestrick

Destiny Kolb

Lowell Kolb

Tyler Korba

Jacob Kowcheck

Matthew Kraushaar

Richard Kress

Hunter Krugh

Shane Kubacki

Gary Kuntch

Gregory Laneski

Julianne Lauderbaugh

Jadon Leghorn

Dakota Lilley

Abigail Little

Autum Luellen

Adam Mace

Ryan Markham

Evan Martin

Kyleigh Mathias

Tai McCann

Natalee McDonough

William McDonough

Cedelia McGee

Jesse Meehan

Anthony Meissonier

Joshua Milos

Hope Moore

Abigail Morris

Joshua Myers

Brandon Oest

Morgan Palovcik

Emmanuelle Paradise

Rachel Parsell

Sara Pesto

Samantha Phillips

Kourtney Plymire

Aliyah Ransom

Skyler Reed

Paige Riggle

Mason Roble

Nathan Rotellini

Malorie Russell

Savannah Russo

Justin Sargent

Christian Sauserman

Akilah Schoonmaker

Madison Scott

Tyler Scott

Logan Shaw

Jonas Shaw

Luke Shingle

Archondion Sideris

Jacob Simpson

Lindsay Smith

Sara Snedeker

Haley Steele

Myles Stevenson

Corey Stieglitz

Dax Stimpson

Andrew Tedesco

Joshua Thompson

Karissa Thompson

Daniel Tombs

Richard Tucker

Xavier Turner

Andrew Tustin

Emily Watson

David Webber

Jonathan Wetzel

Hanna Wilson

Steven Wilson

Ryan Winters

Brendan Wise

Seth Young


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