Grant helps Waynesburg students hold STEAM event
Waynesburg Central Elementary School was awarded a nearly $500 community grant in November from The Community Foundation of Greene County. The grant was used to fund the “Once Upon A STEAM Night” family engagement activity held Dec. 4. Elementary students and family members created LED Christmas cards for their family and for a local rehabilitation and care center during the event with the help of elementary staff volunteers and high school student volunteers. Students and their families also participated in STEAM stations that revolved around fairytales. Through the use of Ozobots, BeeBots and STEM Tales, students retold the fairytales and created objects to help the characters solve their problems, such as a bed for Goldilocks and a bridge for the Billy Goats from the story “Three Billy Goats Gruff.” The fifth-grade chorus delivered LED Christmas cards and ornaments to Waynesburg Rehabilitation and Care Center Dec. 18 and sang Christmas carols for the residents and staff.