The United Way of Washington County recognize award winners

The United Way of Washington County celebrated this year’s campaign, during which $871,538 was raised, with the creation of a video instead of holding its annual luncheon.
This year’s Campaign Celebration was transformed into a video because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 13th Annual Campaign Celebration Spotlight Video presented by AccuTrex Products, Inc., along with Lamar Advertising as its Media Sponsor, Columbia Gas of PA and MD as its Partner Sponsor and Cindy and Richard Dorazio as its Giving Sponsor, showcases the following Campaign Award and Community Award recipients:
Campaign Award
First Place -
- Columbia Gas of PA and MD raised $179,166;
Second Place -
- Range Resources Corporation raised $73,776;
Third Place -
- AccuTrex Products, Inc. raised $48,229;
Fourth Place -
- Washington Financial Bank raised $32,415;
Fifth Place -
- FirstEnergy/West Penn Power raised $26,140;
Campaign Excellence Award (Outstanding Campaign Practices) -
- UPS.
Community Award
Liza N. Beale Award (Loyal Contributor) -
- Darlene Horvath;
Alvin C. Janovich Award (Community Leadership) -
- The Huntington National Bank;
Clyde J. Tracanna Award (Volunteer of the Year) -
- Sharon Russell;
Community Partnership Award (Outstanding Partnership with the United Way) -
- Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA;
M. Kathleen Ramsey Award (Student Volunteer of the Year) -
- Tanner Zissis, Canon-McMillan High School;
“We are deeply grateful for the support of all of our donors, especially our campaign partners and their employees, who through their tireless efforts and generosity, have ensured that together, we are LIVING UNITED to help those in need in Washington County,” said P. Ann Hrabik, MBA, CFRE, executive director.
To view the video, visit