Jacktown Fair to present baking, coloring and poster contests
COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the 2020 Jacktown Fair, but that doesn’t mean certain aspects of the traditional event will forgo all of its anticipated activities.
Even though the coronavirus has shortened this year’s fair to just two days and has forced organizers to cancel most of the time-honored attractions, bakers are still being encouraged to try their hand at several traditional Jacktown Fair contests.
Representatives from the Jacktown Fair recently announced a number of baking contests – as well as a coloring/poster contest – that will be held to coincide with the fair.
Melody Burns, who is coordinating the contests, said COVID-19 has been challenging for fair organizers and it was difficult for fair directors to find a way to continue the longstanding tradition of the fair while keeping the safety of the public foremost.
“With the guidelines in place of only allowing gatherings of 250 people, they tried to come up with ideas to allow the community to be involved as much as possible,” Burns said. “The special baking contests are something that allow that to happen, and the new coloring/poster contests are a way to invite the children to participate as well. It was really important for the directors to have a few classes from the Home and Garden Department, since competitions of those type date back to the fairs from long ago.”
The following baking contests will be held on July 18:
Angel Food Cake contest
The Angel Food Cake contest is returning to the competitive exhibit lineup at the Jacktown Fair this year.
The INCREDIBLE Angel Food Cake contest, sponsored by Pennsylvania Egg Farmers and the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs, will be held July 18.
The rules for this contest are:
- Entrants may not have won first place in this Angel Food Cake contest at any other fair in 2020.
- Prizes awarded will be $25 for first place, $15 for second place and $10 for third place.
- When entering a cake, which must be made from scratch and using eggs produced in Pennsylvania, entrants must also submit the recipe.
Apple Pie contest
The 33rd annual Blue Ribbon Apple Pie baking contest is sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs.
The rules for this contest are as follows:
- Open to any individual who is a Pennsylvania resident, only one entry per person.
- Entrants may not have won first place in this Blue Ribbon Apple Pie contest at any other fair in 2020.
- Entry to be a pie that must include at least 60% apples in the filling. It does not need to be a “traditional” two-crusted apple pie and it can have a variety of fillings. All ingredients and decorations must be edible.
- The entire pie must be submitted for judging in a food safe disposable pie pan. (All pans, plates and dishes are considered to be disposable and will not be returned).
- The recipe for the pie and pie crust must be submitted with the entry. It should be submitted on an 8½-by-11 sheet of paper. The recipe must list all the ingredients, quantities and the preparation instructions. Entrant’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the back side of all pages. (All recipes and pies will become the property of the Fair or PA Farm Show and will not be returned).
- Refrigeration is not available at the Fair or PA Farm Show. Entries that require refrigeration after baking must indicate so in the recipe. Those entries will not be sold, auctioned or otherwise distributed for consumption after judging for food safety reasons.
Chocolate Cake contest
The 2020 Homemade Chocolate Cake contest is sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs (PSACF).
The rules are as follows:
- A contest participant must be an individual amateur baker and a resident of Pennsylvania.
- The entry must be a layered chocolate cake made from scratch.
- The entry must be frosted and the frosting must also be made from scratch.
- The cake recipe must feature chocolate or cocoa as a main ingredient.
PA Preferred Junior Baking Cookies, Brownies and Bars
The 2020 PA Preferred Junior Baking Cookies-Brownies-Bars contest is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s PA Preferred program and coordinated by the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs.
The goal of this PA Preferred Junior Baking Contest, Burns explained, is to encourage young people across the Commonwealth to participate in Pennsylvania’s agricultural fairs by showcasing Pennsylvania grown and produced products in their contest entries.
A contest participant must be an individual amateur baker between the ages of 8 to 18 and a resident of Pennsylvania. The cookies, brownies or bars entry must include two PA Preferred ingredients. A comprehensive list of products is available at papreferred.com.
The Jacktown Fair Coloring Contest is for entrants up to 6 years old.
The coloring page that will be judged is available on the Jacktown Fair Facebook page as well as online at jacktownfair.org.
Only one entry will be permitted per person, and entries will be judged on neatness and use of colors.
Burns asks that entrants print their name, age, address and phone number on the back of the coloring page.
Burns said the Poster Contest is available for three age group categories: 7-10; 11-14 and 15-18.
The theme for the poster contest is “Why I Love the Jacktown Fair.” This title must appear on the poster.
Each entry must be done on a 22-by-28 piece of poster board, and entries will be judged on neatness, use of colors and creativity.
Only one entry will be permitted per person, and Burns asks entrants to print their name, age, address and phone number on back of poster.
No names are to appear on the front of the poster, she added.
Entries will be accepted at the fairgrounds from 3 to 6 p.m. July 18.
For more information about any of the contests, contact Burns at 724-428-3617.