Greene County property transfers

The following property transfers were recorded the week of May 28 in the Greene County Recorder of Deeds:
Cumberland Township
Carole E. Babyak Estate, et ux., to John A. Glendenning, et ux., Lot 297 in Crucible, $15,000.00 (5-28-20)
Dunkard Township
Jeffrey Martin, et ux., to Five Star JV II, Tracts, Minerals, $20,000.00 (5-26-20)
Deborah Schatz to Michael Bliss, et ux., Lot 344 in Bobtown Plan, $35,000.00 (5-26-20)
Gilmore Township
Mary Fern Miklic a/k/a Mary F. Miklic to MMA Mineral Group LLC, 135.231 Acres, O&G, Minerals, $224.00 (5-28-20)
Jefferson Township
Robert L. Shaffer, III, et ux., to Pikewood Energy Corporation, 2.14 Acres, O&G, $7,230.00 (5- 26-20)
Redevelopment Authority of Greene County to Michelle L. Harvey, Lots 247-249 in Clyde Land Company Plan #2, $70,500.00 (5-27-20)
Monongahela Township
Wilbur D. Colvin, et ux., to Jason Michael Ellis, Tracts, $340,000.00 (5-22-20)
Richhill Township
Rebecca A. Bruckner, et al., to Flynn-Maloy Rentals, LLC, 2 Tracts, $75,000.00 (5-27-20)
Wayne Township
Kathy A. Ross to Three Rivers Royalty LLC, 50.455 Acres, O&G, $225,786.00 (5-28-20)
Jerry L. Kiger, et ux., to Three Rivers Royalty LLC, 50 Acres, O&G, $149,651.46 (5-28-20)