Students awarded Legion awards
Washington area students recently received the American Legion School Award. The award recognizes students who display honor, courage, scholarship, leadership, service and Americanism.
Students were scheduled to be honored in an annual awards ceremony April 6 at the American Legion Edwin Scott Linton Post 175 in Washington, but the event was canceled due to the pandemic. Medals were mailed to the honorees.
Students honored were:
Washington Junior High School - Amara Garrett and Mareesa Garrett, daughters of Angela Belcastro and Jamar Garrett; Mia Anderson, daughter of Heidi Warren and Vincent Anderson; Shawn Thomas, son of Pamela and Shawn Thomas; Parker Muhleman, son of Stephanie and David Muhleman; and Darwin Nunez-Calderon, son of Damaris Calderon. All are from Washington.
Trinity Middle School - Sydney Wahl, daughter of Sheryl and Mark Wahl; Charlotte Magon, daughter of Kathleen Varner and Jason Magon; Savannah Rivera, daughter of Crystal Rivera; Braeden Helmkamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Helmkamp; Fletcher Beckett, son of Carrie and James Beckett; and Riley Howard, son of Dana Pettit. All are from Washington.
John F. Kennedy Catholic School - Abigail Gerchow, daughter of Kurt and Jennifer Gerchow of Canonsburg; Isabella Jobes, daughter of Lauren Ruffing and Michael Jobes, both of Washington; Anand Karamcheti, son of Adi and Erenia Karamcheti of Washington; Benjamin Papson, son of Melissa and Michael Papson of Washington; Benjamin Ondrejko, son of Susie and Steve Ondrejko of Scenery Hill; and Cameron Minnick, son of Jack and Michelle Minnick of Scenery Hill.