SAR issued student contest reminder

With the new school year underway, the George Washington Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) reminds teachers and students of several youth-oriented contests that the SAR sponsors.
They include the Knight Historical Essay contest, open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors; the Boy Scout, Eagle Scout recognition and scholarship program; the middle school brochure contest, open to sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth-grade students, and the Americanism Elementary School poster contest for fourth and fifth-grade students.
Participants may be attending public, parochial or private schools (including accredited home schools). Each contest is conducted at three levels, Chapter, State and National, with awards varying at each level. Information on the contests is available by going to the National Society website at and clicking on the Youth & Education tab.
The Sons of the American Revolution is the leading male lineage society that perpetuates the ideas of the war for independence. As a historical, educational and patriotic nonprofit corporation, they seek to maintain and expand the meaning of patriotism, respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the unifying force of “e pluribus unum,” which was created from the people of many nations – one nation and one people.
The SAR is open to any male 18 or older that can trace their lineage back to a person who fought in or supported the cause of the American Revolution. For more information contact members Gary Timmons, 304-242-8759; Ron Miller, 412-352-1670, or Larry Perkins, 740-695-4342.