Citizens Library hosts genealogy program

A second genealogy research program sponsored at Citizens Library will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21.
“Finding Our Foremothers” is the topic of genealogist Donna Edward-Jordan’s talk on ways to trace your own family tree through elusive female ancestors.
Edward-Jordan notes that though half of ancestors are women, family trees are often constructed through the names of male ancestors. Foremothers often remain hidden by marital name changes or social and legal customs that make them harder to find.
She will provide strategies for filling in the bare spots on family trees.
Edward-Jordan’s talk will be held in the lower level of the library. For more information call 724-222-2400.
The program is being jointly sponsored by the library and Friends of Citizens Library, a volunteer organization that seeks to support library programs.
A third program on Oct. 22 will complete the three-part genealogy series.