Waynesburg VFW donates $10,000 to Pa Wounded Warriors

The Waynesburg VFW Post 4793 Auxiliary held its fifth annual Freedom Car Show on July 16. Each year, the VFW Auxiliary has been able to donate to programs that support veterans and their families with proceeds raised at the car show.
This year, the VFW Auxiliary chose the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc. non-profit organization as the recipient of the donations and funds raised at this year’s car show. Because of the generous sponsors, the outpouring of donations from local businesses and individuals, support of the public, the car show participants and the hard work of many volunteers, we were honored to present a $10,000 check to Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc..
Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc. is an independent statewide non-profit organization that supports Pennsylvania veterans in crisis and their families. The staff of Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc. consists entirely of volunteers who donate their time and expertise on behalf of Pennsylvania’s veterans. A very small percentage of the budget goes to administrative costs.
Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Inc. is not affiliated with, nor part of the national organization Wounded Warriors Project. Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors began in 2006 by the late Major General Gerald Sajer and his wife Helen when they recognized the need for emergency support for veterans returning from serving our country and their families. Helen and her faithful volunteers continue that support throughout Pennsylvania.
To find out more about this program and/or to make a donation visit their website at pawoundedwarriors.org
They can also be contacted at: Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. 1117 Country Club Rd. Camp Hill PA 17011 or phone 717-761-4017.
If you are a veteran in need of support or know of a veteran that is in crisis, the help line number is 1-855-729-9435.