Taylor Swift Eras Tour to make a ‘tiny’ stop at Carnegie Science Center

Ten tiny Taylor Swifts will make an appearance in Miniature Railroad & Village at the Carnegie Science Center in celebration of the pop star’s Eras Tour coming to Pittsburgh.
On Friday, June 16 and Sunday, June 18 Swifties can take part in an Eras Tour-themed scavenger hunt.
Visitors will be tasked with finding 10 tiny Taylors hidden throughout the Miniature Railroad exhibition on both days. Each Taylor is dressed to the corresponding 10 albums covered in The Taylor Swift Eras Tour.
“She may not fit into the Miniature Railroad’s timeline or aesthetic, but Taylor Swift never goes out of style,” Rosalie Garfinkle, assistant manager of Miniature Railroad, said.
The Tiny Taylor Swift Takeover in Miniature Railroad is included with general admission to Carnegie Science Center.
Visit CarnegieScienceCenter.org to learn more and purchase tickets.