Prosperity operator wins all three Radiosport categories
A local amateur radio operator won all three categories in a regional contest.
Western Pennsylvania’s premier 10-meter contest, Radiosport, offers amateur radio operators three categories to compete for the top spot: morse code, data and voice. The operators also choose to which organization their accumulated contest points should credit. Plaques are also presented to radio organizations for the highest score achieved.
The award for the club with the highest score in the 2022 contest was presented to Washington Amateur Communications. Participating were clubs and individual operators from 42 counties. Among the contributors to the WACOM success was Prosperity’s Bill Steffey, callsign NY9H. His station also succeeded in the 2023 contest to achieve the number 2 rank in all combined scores and was the highest scorer in each of the three separate categories. Bill is a past president and current director of the WACOM club. Information about the upcoming Field Day event open house is available at