The St. Vincent de Paul-sponsored food bank will be held on May 17 at the St. Mary’s Social Hall parking lot, 118 Church St., Brownsville, from 11 a.m. through noon. Volunteers will load the food directly into your car, and participants are asked to remain in their cars. Families must be registered with Fayette County Community Action Agency to receive food. Anyone not registered and who lives in the Brownsville area must complete the required paperwork before receiving their food. Those who register on the day of the food bank are not guaranteed a box of food at the site and may have to travel to the food distribution warehouse in Republic. Families wishing to sign up on the distribution day must bring photo identification, the date of birth of each person in the household, and address verification.
There will be an indoor yard sale at the Jefferson Community Center May 20 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food will be available.
The May meeting of the Jefferson Township Historical Society will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 20, in the White Church building at 11 Fire Road, Eldersville (Burgettstown), across from the fire hall. President Diane Huggins will be speaking on Police, Past and Present, to recognize and honor police officers.
A walk to raise awareness for bladder cancer will be held May 20 at the Bible Chapel Church – Rostraver Campus, 203 Johnson Ave., Belle Vernon. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m., with the opening ceremony at 11 a.m. There will be live music, an auction, food and guest speakers.
The Center Township VFD auxiliary is sponsoring a square dance on May 20, 7-10 p.m. Caller Dave Dahl will provide lessons for anyone interested. There will be other music and dancing, waltz, line, polka and more. The cost is $12 for a couple, $7 for an individual and $5 for those 12-18; under 12 is free. Refreshments will be available starting at 6:30 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Centner Township VFD auxiliary.
The food bank at The First Christian Church, 512 Second St., Brownsville, is on May 20 from 9-11 a.m. Please use the lower-level rear door.
The First Presbyterian Church of Belle Vernon, located at 501 Fayette St., will host its annual plant and bake sale on May 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A large variety of plants and baked goods will be available for sale. Preorders are available. Proceeds will go to community outreach and mission projects of the church. For more information, call 724-322-1384.