Jacobs Creek Watershed Association holding Young Naturalist Camp

The Jacobs Creek Watershed Association is holding its first ever overnight Young Naturalist Camp this summer from Sunday, June 11 to Tuesday, June 13.
The successor to the association’s Tot-Time and Nature Explorer day camps, the Young Naturalist Camp provides an immersive overnight educational experience for children ages 11 to 13. The woods and waters of Laurelville Retreat Center in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County, provide nature’s classroom to teach children about Pennsylvania wildlife and ecosystems in an impactful and meaningful way.
Programs and partnerships include a birding hike with professional bird scientists from Powdermill Nature Reserve, A mammal identification program with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, a fishing lesson, stream-life exploration, a nocturnal animal stakeout, a native plant and forestry hike, a guided flat-water kayak experience, and swimming, campfires, crafts and games.
Registration is $220 per child, and include two nights of lodging in cabins, six meals, trained counselors, camp handouts and other materials.
To register, visit www.tinyurl.com/Young-Naturalist-Camp. Mail and in-person payments are also accepted by contacting alex@jacobscreekwatershed.org.