Prescription Drug Summit planned at Bentworth
The area’s leading experts on the prescription-drug epidemic, ranging from representatives of the Drug Enforcement Administration to public health and safety agencies, will speak at Bentworth High School for a Prescription Drug Abuse Summit for the Mon Valley and surrounding areas at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The summit will include topics such as prescribing habits and trends, access to treatment and recovery programs, education for youth, dealing with addicted friends and family members, regulations and policies, community-based approaches, responsibilities of clinicians and pharmacists, and recognizing and responding to risks.
Among the keynote speakers will be: Washington County District Attorney Gene Vittone; Coroner Tim Warco; Stephanie Henson, a DEA intelligence analyst; Cheryl Andrews of the Washington Drug and Alcohol Commission; Holly Martin of Greenbriar Treatment Center; Southwest Regional Police Chief John Hartman, and Assistant District Attorney Mike Lucas. In addition two people will share their personal experiences.
Southwest Regional police have scheduled another Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, which will take place at the high school during the summit. Unwanted and unused prescription drugs can be safely disposed of.
Monongahela Valley Hospital, in conjunction with Carroll Township police, will also host a Prescription Drug Take Back Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 27 at the hospital.