Greene pleaders
WAYNESBURG – Multiple criminal defendants pleaded guilty this week before Greene County Judge Farley Toothman. They included the following:
David Alan Swaney, 25, of 216 College St., McClellandtown; offenses – endangering the welfare of a child, criminal mischief, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. Swaney was arrested May 9 behind the Bucktown Beer Distributor where he was found asleep and highly intoxicated. Police said they responded to a call that Watson had left his 8-month-old son home alone while he went to Buddy’s Bar and then caused a disturbance at the bar before returning home and busting the window out of a screen door; sentence – 30-days to 23 ½ months in jail, and ordered to pay restitution of $400 to the Greene County Housing Authority for the window, $450 in fines, plus court costs and fees.
Joshua Allen Ruse, 35, of 272 S. Washington St., Waynesburg; offenses – driving under the influence of alcohol fourth and subsequent offense, DUI incapable of safe driving, driving while operating privileges are suspended or revoked, fraudulent use of a license plate, required financial responsibility, general lighting and driving without a valid inspection. Ruse drove past Waynesburg Borough Police officers on West High Street, near Tollgate Run Road Feb. 15 with no registration sticker on his license plate, a non working taillight, and plastic covering the rear window of his vehicle. When he was stopped, police ascertained that the license plate on the car was a dead plate issued to a different vehicle. Ruse’s blood-alcohol content was 0.144 percent; sentence – sentence will be imposed following a pre-sentence investigation.
Jonathon Curtis Fannon, 21, of 683 Mt. Morris Road, Mt. Morris; offenses – criminal attempt to commit theft, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct. Fannon and another man drove to the Mt. Morris Campground on Route 19 Jan. 26, 2010, where they used bolt cutters to remove 100 feet of copper lead wires from a vehicle owned by Coss Welding. The camp’s owner approached the men while they were placing the wire in Fannon’s truck. According to police, Fannon and his accomplice dropped the wire and ran into the woods; sentence – 3 years’ probation, $734.75 restitution to Farm Bureau Insurance and $100 to Robert Koscielecki to be paid jointly by co-defendant. Fannon must also pay $300 in fines and all court costs and fees.
Fallon Elizabeth Black, 25, of 855 Rolling Meadows Road, Greene County Prison, Waynesburg; offense – possession of a controlled substance. On April 8, acting on a tip, state police witnessed Black enter the AT&T store in Waynesburg to purchase drugs. When Black exited the store about 35 minutes later, police approached and questioned her. She was found to be in possession of two stamp bags of heroin; sentence – 30-days to one year in jail and $250 in fines plus court costs and fees.
Melanie Ann Fowler, 23, of 509 2nd St., Smithfield; offenses – receiving stolen property and possession of drug paraphernalia. Fowler was arrested on June 13 when Cumberland Township Police responded to a call regarding a suspicious person at the Paisley Sheetz store. Fowler was the passenger in a vehicle. The male driver was asleep. Police asked to search Fowler’s purse and they found a syringe. When Fowler and the driver exited the car, a black bag with 8 capped syringes and three spoons with white residue were found. Police learned the vehicle was reported stolen from Uniontown; sentence – 2 years probation, $250 in fines plus court costs and fees. Fowler must also pay $450 in restitution to be paid jointly with a co-defendant to the owner of the stolen vehicle, Suzette Foster.