Thieves target items in vehicles
Dozens of Washington County residents could have saved themselves a call to police had they locked the doors to their vehicles after removing valuables from sight.
State police, along with police in Chartiers, Donegal and North Strabane townships, are investigating a rash of thefts of items from vehicles. Only one of the vehicles was locked.
Trooper Eric Graham said that there have been two strings of thefts. The first on July 25 involved 10 vehicles being entered in Blaine, Buffalo and Donegal townships. The second happened late Thursday or early Friday when 16 people found their vehicles entered and items stolen. Graham said 20 vehicles were entered.
Several of the thefts happened in the area of Route 221. Graham believes the thefts are happening between 2 and 3:30 a.m. after several of the victims reported their dogs barked at that time.
“All but one had been left unlocked and all but one had cash and loose change stolen,” Graham said. “Only one was forcibly entered. There was a woman’s purse on the seat.”
Graham said the thieves are leaving behind things like global positioning systems.
“It looks like they are just driving around, stopping and pulling open doors to see if any are open,” Graham said.
Donegal police Sgt. Ron Catrain Jr. said his department has received about a dozen reports over the last three weeks.
“It has been sporadic,” Catrain said. “There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. But the thieves do appear to be in a vehicle, because it is so spread out.”
Catrain believes they are out for cash, perhaps to feed a drug habit.
“It looks like they are going for cash,” Catrain said. “Valuables have been left behind.”
Chartiers police received reports of vehicles entered in Meadow Lands. Vehicles parked on Ewing and Pike streets and Hallam Avenue were entered. Several owners reported the thief rummaged through glove compartments and consoles. Cash, GPS systems and cigarettes were stolen.
Several vehicles in North Strabane’s Meadowbrook neighborhood were entered late Sunday or early Monday. Cash, loose change and a gift card were among the items reported stolen as well as a cellphone charger.
Officer Eric Spicer said that valuables, like a gold locket, were overlooked by the thief.
“We believe they were on foot because we did find some footprints,” he added.
Chartiers police Chief James Horvath said his officers saw two people running in the Moniger area early Monday before the North Strabane thefts were discovered.
Police are urging vehicle owners to remove valuables and keep the doors locked.
“Please lock your doors,” Horvath said. “People always say that back when they were younger, they didn’t have to lock their doors. But this isn’t back when anymore.”
Catrain offered similar advice.
“It is 2013,” Catrain said. “You can’t just leave your keys and valuables in an unlocked car.”
Anyone with information on the thefts can call state police at 724-223-5200; Chartiers at 724-745-8030; Donegal at 724-484-4023 or North Strabane at 724-746-8474.