Two properties in Cecil Township condemned

Two dilapidated properties in Muse that have neighbors up in arms have been condemned by Cecil Township’s code enforcement authority.
Bruce Bosle, Cecil Township director of zoning, said the township deemed the properties to be mostly vacant, uninhabitable and a nuisance.
Andrew Puchany, who owns the properties at 30 and 32 Birch Way, received several notices of violation during the last few years.
In regard to the possible outcome of the condemnation orders, which were issued Aug. 5, Bosle said, “It is in litigation at this point. It’s hard to say how the process will play out with the township process and the courts.”
Puchany did not return a call seeking comment Tuesday.
One concerned neighbor on Birch Way, who did not want to be identified, said she has seen rats “bigger than cats” scaling the side of Puchany’s property.
And when it comes to cats, Kim Rozanc, who also lives on the street, said she has seen more than 30 strays on Puchany’s property at one time.
She said they make loud mating calls at night, urinate on her outdoor furniture, perch atop her parked car and even provoke her pet pug, which once resulted in a “standoff” on her deck.
“It’s nothing to see raccoons coming out there,” she said. “The cats are unbelievable. You can’t even sleep at night.”
She said her property value has decreased by $25,000 because of the shoddy conditions on Puchany’s property, and even though she wants to sell her home, she must wait until conditions improve to avoid losing money she invested.
Rozanc, who has voiced her concerns at several township meetings, is in discussion with attorney Chad Schneider and said she and five other residents are considering filing a class-action lawsuit against the township and Puchany.
Puchany filed an appeal of a Cecil Township Zoning Board decision June 11 that denied him a permit to build a parking platform on his property.
Puchany and his attorney, Jeff Derrico, allege that Puchany faced a “tremendous amount of pressure” from Cecil Township to make repairs to his two rental properties.