Pathologist: Fort Hood victims shot numerous times

FORT HOOD, Texas – A civilian who tried to stop the gunman during the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood was shot six times, and one of the soldiers killed in the attack was likely shot while lying on the ground, a pathologist testified Wednesday during the accused shooter’s trial.
Capt. Edward Reedy described the damage caused by bullets fired from an FN 5.7 semi-automatic pistol while testifying during the military trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan. Hasan is accused of killing 13 people and wounding more than 30 others at the Texas military base.
Reedy explained that Michael Grant Cahill, the lone civilian killed during the rampage, was shot six times, including once through his neck. Prosecutors said that the 62-year-old physician’s assistant was armed only with a chair when he tried to charge Hasan as the Army psychiatrist opened fire inside a medial building at Fort Hood.
Pfc. Kham Xiong was shot three times, including twice in the head, Reedy said. When asked by prosecutors whether the married father of three had likely been standing when he was shot, Reedy said Xiong’s wounds were “more consistent with lying on the ground.”
Similar fatal injuries were inflicted on Lt. Col. Juanita Warman, a 55-year-old military physician assistant, who another pathologist said suffered four bullet wounds that were consistent with someone laying on their stomach or side when they were shot.
Reedy testified that he performed autopsies on Cahill and Xiong at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where the victims’ bodies were taken following the Nov. 5, 2009, shootings.
Before testimony began Wednesday, Hasan told the judge he authorized the release of a report that determined he was fit to stand trial. The report showed that he told military mental health experts shortly after the attack that he “would still be a martyr” if he were convicted and executed by the government.
Hasan’s civilian lawyer had released the documents to the New York Times, which published contents of the report Tuesday.
Hasan told the judge that he wasn’t forced to disclose the report and knew that releasing it could make it available to prosecutors. Prosecutors said they hadn’t yet seen the report.
His standby military defense attorneys, who have been ordered to help Hasan during the trial, said they were concerned about the report’s release. They have accused Hasan of trying to convince jurors to convict him and sentence him to death, though Hasan disputes those claims.
If convicted, Hasan could face the death penalty.