Kevin Brown Tournament helping local students

WAYNESBURG – In the nearly four years since the death of Waynesburg native Kevin Brown, 26, from the H1N1 virus, more than $12,000 in scholarships have been contributed in his name. The fourth annual Kevin Brown Memorial Softball Tournament, hosted by his parents, Norman and Arleta Robison Brown will ensure that more students are helped.
The tournament kicks off Friday evening at Madison Field in Meadowlark Park, Waynesburg with the traditional home run derby at 6 p.m. The entrance to the park is past the Walgreens store and across from McDonalds, before the overpass entering Waynesburg Borough.
The cost to enter the derby is $10. Each batter will have the opportunity to hit 10 Blue Thunder softballs. A swing and miss counts as one ball. Participants may bring their own bats.
“We have made it 300 feet all the way around,” Norman said. They adjusted the fence line for softball after only one person hit the ball over the fence in the first year of play.
Double elimination tournament play begins at 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. There are currently 10 teams in the event with room for a few late comers, Norman said.
“They just need to call me by Friday to put in the money,” he added. The cost to register a team is $100.
Those who are looking for a quick lunch over the weekend have the tournament concession as an option.
“We are having hot dogs, sloppy joes, sausage with peppers and onions, and baked ham with home grown green beans,” Arleta said.
Other menu items will include cabbage and noodles, walking tacos, pigs in the blanket, pierogies, fruit salad, pasta salad and potato salad. An assortment of drinks, chips and candy will also be available.
Those who stop by the tournament will also have an opportunity to take a chance on many items donated by local businesses and individuals.
“We have something for everybody. Everyone has been so good (donating),” Arleta said.
Among the items up for grabs are four tickets to the Pittsburgh Zoo, four tickets to Kennywood Park, a tuxedo rental, photo package, Steelers basket, Formula One remote controlled race car, hair care certificates, Roberto Clemente baseball card and a baseball glove.
The Browns have asked that spectators and participants bring a nonperishable food item with them to the event that will be donated to Corner Cupboard Food Bank.
“We look at it this way, maybe we can help two people at one time,” Norman said, referring to the scholarship recipients and those who receive help from the food bank.
The scholarships are given to students who have a financial need and/or are not eligible for academic scholarships.
In their matching team shirts, the Browns said they wanted to do something that would keep Kevin’s memory alive and help kids at the same time. An avid ball player, Kevin was a member of a 26-and-over team that called Madison Field its home field.
As has become the tradition of the tournament, the Brownies team, consisting of Kevin’s friends and family will face the Giant Eagle team in the opening game. Arleta will throw out the first pitch to Kevin’s nephew, Nick.
Teams who are interested in playing can call Norman at 724-627-8076.