County asks for next year’s CDBG funds
WAYNESBURG – Funding to help develop housing at the former youth development center in Morgan Township and to assist with renovations at the Carmichaels Municipal Authority water treatment plant were two of the requests received Wednesday by the Greene County commissioners for the county’s Community Development Block Grant money.
The requests were made at the second of two hearings the commissioners held on the use of the county’s 2013 allocation. The county expects to receive $217,813 in CDBG money, about $300 more than it was allocated last year.
Martin Niverth, representing the Lower Ten Mile Joint Sewer Authority, suggested money from the grant be used to bring sewage to the former youth development center, which could be developed for housing.
The site, which also once housed a state prison and a private boarding school, already has housing units, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, administration buildings and parking, Niverth said. Everything is already there, he said, “on one piece of ground.”
The property was last occupied by the Right-Way Academy, which provided treatment programs for students with drug and alcohol and other behavioral problems. The school closed in August 2007.
The property has been vacant since then and is “rapidly deteriorating,” Niverth said.
The property had its own sewage treatment plant; however, that plant had never met state Department of Environmental Protection requirements. If sewage could be brought to the facility, the property could be developed more easily, Niverth said.
Resident Cathy Henderson of Mather said she believed the site would make an excellent place for a clinic or hospital for the county’s veterans. The property is currently owned by, the Basalt Trap Rock, which operated the Right-Way Academy.
Lloyd Richard, manager of the Carmichaels Municipal Authority, requested funding to assist the authority in replacing the filtering media for its treatment plant, a project expected to cost about $200,000.
The authority is now planning a number of upgrades to improve its treatment system to prevent the formation of trihalomethane in its water, which caused the authority problems about three years ago.
The authority also requested funding to replace windows and railings at the plant.
During the first hearing on the CDBG allocation on Aug. 21, the commissioners heard requests for funding from several municipalities and authorities:
•Wayne Township requested additional funding for a water line extension on Jay Phillip Hill and Yeager Road.
•Monongahela Township requested money for a sewage project to serve Alicia and possibly Poland Mines.
•The East Dunkard Water Authority requested money for water lines to serve parts of Monongahela Township.
•Rices Landing Borough requested funding for the second phase of its sidewalk project.
•The Greene County Redevelopment Authority also requested funding for a program it has initiated to develop housing on “underutilized” properties throughout the county that include vacant and blighted houses and vacant lots.
CDBG funds can be used to expand economic development opportunities in low- and moderate-income areas, for housing and sewage and water infrastructure. Funds also can be directed to address emergency needs.
The county has a three-year funding program and money requested Wednesday for the 2013 fiscal year will be available in 2016. Of the $217,813 allocation, $39,206 is earmarked for grant administration.
The commissioners are expected to decide projects that will be funded under the current allocation within the next week.